

A great passion in Sarah’s life is the introduction and education of as many young (and not so young) people as possible to the pipe organ.  Through teaching, speaking engagements, led discussions, local and national Royal Canadian College of Organist Events (RCCO), narrated organ recitals, and her collaborative organ duo Organized Crime Duo, Sarah strives to strategically introduce fresh faces to the fascinating instrument she views to be the one of the most multi-sensory acoustic instruments.

Halifax RCCO National Summer Organ Academy

Sarah is the curriculum designer for the RCCO’s National Summer Organ Academy, for which she was an instructor in Halifax in 2018. She is a guest presenter for the D.A.R.E. Arts Toronto and she serves on the Royal Canadian College of Organists National Strategic Planning Committee. Sarah has provided interactive organ concerts for large groups of school children across Canada, including concerts in Vancouver and Kingston, Ontario. She has also  provided demonstrations of the RCCO OrgelKidsCAN organ for Toronto’s Roy Thompson Hall as well as the RCCO’s National Travelling Clinician’s Program. For inquiries regarding teaching (private or group), speaking engagements, or plain ol’ brainstorming please see the Contact page.

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